Hugh Winchester


Hi, my name's Hugh. After 5 years working as a police officer, I decided that I wanted to try something different.

I am currently studying for a Master's of Software Development at the University of Glasgow after discovering that I liked making computers do things.

I code frequently, and enjoy completing challenges on CodeWars, Leetcode and building my own projects. To see what I have been working on recently, please see my GitHub account.

Below, you can see the results of some of my tinkering.


See the Pen Random Quote Machine by Hugh Winchester (@hughwin) on CodePen.

Random Quote Machine

A simple little machine that retrieves a quote from an API, and allows a user to tweet the quote if they like.

See the Pen Weather application by Hugh Winchester (@hughwin) on CodePen.

Weather Application

An application which shows the user the weather in their area. The information is accessed by an API.

See the Pen Wikipedia viewer by Hugh Winchester (@hughwin) on CodePen.

Wikipedia Viewer

The viewer accepts a search term, and returns the 5 most relevant articles and allows the user to click through to the page on Wikipedia.

See the Pen Twitch TV Viewer by Hugh Winchester (@hughwin) on CodePen.

Twitch Tv Viewer

This project returns a list of streamers that are currently online. Currently broken due to changes in the API.

See the Pen Javascript calculator by Hugh Winchester (@hughwin) on CodePen.

JavaScript calculator

A calculator built using JavaScript.
